Allan Myers Prime Bid Solicitation
PTC Lehigh Co Replacement of Bridge NB-300 @ MP45.94
Scheduled Let: 10/06/2021 11:00:00 AM
Anticipated Completion : 11/04/2022
DB Goal: 8%
Wage Rates: Yes
Buy America: Yes
This project provides for the furnishing of all labor, material, equipment and work necessary for the removal of the three-span overhead steel rolled beam bridge and replace with a two-span prestressed bulb-tee beam bridge. The contract also includes reconstruction of T-383 (Cassel Road) and structure NB-300, utility relocations, drainage modifications, signing and pavement markings, and the construction of the Turnpike median/shoulder.
We are looking for quotations on the following Subcontractor Scopes:
Clearing & Grubbing
Temp Support of Excavation
Guide Rail
Concrete Barrier
Right of Way Fence
Bridge Protective Fence
Rumble Strips
E&S / Landscaping
Maintenance of Traffic
Pavement Markings
Post Mounted Signs
Bridge Demo
Set Deck Pans
Architectural Surface Treatment
Aesthetic Concrete Coating
Bridge Jacking
Haz Remediation – Soils
We are also looking for quotes on the following materials:
HDPE Drainage Pipe
RCP Drainage Pipe
CMP Drainage Pipe
Precast Storm Drainage Prod
P/S Concrete Bulb Tee Beams
SIP Deck Pans
Ready Mix Concrete
Please email your quotation to Myers.Estimating-PA@allanmyers.com
If you have any questions or would like quanties, you can reach out to our lead estimator, Sam Chen at sam.chen@allanmyers.com