PADE Supportive Services (ProRank Business Services)
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Take the Annual Needs Assessment Survey
The New

Pennsylvania Diverse Business
Supportive Services Center


Administered by ProRank Business Solutions


The mission of the DB Supportive Services Center is to provide the training, technical assistance, and business development services to DB firms to enable them to acquire the proficiency, experience and expertise necessary to compete on an equal basis, with non-DB firms for PennDOT contracts and subcontracts.


*Eligible firms receive services from the PADBSSC at no cost.

The Pennsylvania Diverse Business (DB) Supportive Services offers a wide variety of services to fulfill your small business needs. 

Questions? Call us!

  • (833) SSC-4DBS
PADBSSC Brochure 2020
We can assist your business with the following:

Bidding & Estimating

Assistance with preparing bids, quotes, and estimating.

Bonding & Insurance

Assistance with identifying and obtaining bonding and insurance.

DBE Certification Assistance

Assistance with the PAUCP DBE Certification application and process.

ECMS Training

Assistance with navigating the PennDOT ECMS website and system.

Marketing Materials

Assistance with producing capabilities statements, business cards & brochures, etc.

Network With Organizations

Assistance with team building and building industry relationships.

Online Training

Access to online learning platforms for continued education and technical development. 

Opportunity Identification

Assistance identifying contract and partnership opportunities.

PennDOT Marketing

Assistance with PennDOT marketing meetings and networking with industry executives.

PennDOT Registration

Get registered with PennDOT to maximize your reach in the local and state marketplace.

Prequalification & Qualification

Assistance with PennDOT Contractor Prequalification & Consultant Qualification.

Strategic Planning

Assistance identifying strategies to achieve goals and objectives.

Contact Us!

Have questions? Get answers!
Enroll in PennDOT training courses available to PennDOT Registered Business Partners.

PennDOT Training for Business Partners

Obtain some PennDOT specific training for you and your staff and be awarded continuing education credits (PDH/CEU/CEH) for successful completion.

View PennDOT Training Calendar

Training for DB's on ProRank Academy

Self-paced learning platform for the DB community.

Certified Pennsylvania Diverse Businesses (DBs) can access the ProRank Academy platform at no expense to the DB firm. As a certified Pennsylvania DB firm, access to a plethora of courses, course materials and media, rapidly growing subscriber base and network of other firms, and the ProRank Academy PADB Group is covered by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the PA Diverse Business Supportive Services Program. 

Minutes of Media


Visit to learn more.

Get Started

DB Program Presentation
Download DB Supportive Services Overview Presentation
Download DB Supportive Services Overview Presentation
Please Take the Annual Needs Assessment Survey

(All firms should take it once a year minimum, but good to have an updated one every 9 months.)

Our New Approach

Effective use of technology & program partners

In this new “post COVID” era, we spent a lot of time studying and gathering information on the best approach to providing supportive services. What is the best time to engage a business owner? The answer is.. probably, not when they are running their business. Two needs that were recurring from the business owner community, were a request to be able to access tools and resources outside of normal business hours, and also to gain access to resources that would allow for remote (social distance compliant), self-paced learning. Our PADBSSC Partner Platform allows just that. Now, you have not only the supportive services world at your fingertips, but a wealth of knowledge to help grow and support your business.  

ECMS & PennDOT Systems80%
ProRank Academy75%
PADBSSC Website70%
Virtual Conferencing95%
Face-to-Face Physical Consulting25%

PADBSSC Partner Platform

Partners that empower the DB community.


Stay current on DB news!

Meet the team

PADBSSC Leadership


Contact the Pennsylvania Diverse Business (DB) Supportive Services Center.

(833) SSC-4DBS
(833) 772-4327