Kevin E. Raker Construction-Bid Solicitation-ECMS #6096 SR 405 & SR 2014 Intersection-Bids Due 12/8/2021 at 10:00am

Kevin E. Raker Construction, LLC

Reconstruction and resurfacing, design and construct of ADA curb ramps, removal of the existing bridge, construction of a single span composite prestressed concrete spread box beam bridge or an approved equal over Glade Run, including base repairs, selected borrow excavation rock, milling, Superpave Asphalt Mixture Design base, binder, scratch, and wearing courses, drainage, ADA ramps, curbing and sidewalks, sign upgrades, traffic signal upgrades, temporary traffic signals, guide rail upgrades, paved drives, selected material surfacing, and other miscellaneous construction.

Bids Due: Wednesday, December 8 @ 10 am