Virtual DBE Outreach Event Wednesday, December 110:00 – 11:00 AM ET Bridging Pennsylvania Partners (BPP) invites your firm to attend an upcoming virtual outreach event regarding the Pennsylvania Major Bridge Initiative P3 program. We are interested in partnering with Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certified firms, or firms that would like to become certified, in pursuit of this...Read More
KINSLEY Construction This is a invitation to bid on the following project. A list of the bid items and a project location map are attached for your review. ITB PENNDOT ECMS 87672 SR 394-009 ADAMS COUNTY BIDS DUE: December 16, 2021 ECMS No. 87672 & KCI No. 213142 Project Cost Range: $1,000,000.00 – $2,499,999.99 Anticipated...Read More
Keystone Pathway Developers (KPD) P3 Major Bridge Outreach Session – 11/18/2021 at 11:00am Keystone Pathway Developers (KPD) is hosting an outreach/information session on Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 11:00am EST where we will introduce our team, provide a brief project overview, and discuss potential subcontractor opportunities associated with the project! CLICK HERE to register! You...Read More
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