Pennsy Supply Bid Invitation-ECMS 113264 SR11-120 Cumberland County-Quote by 1/11/2021

Pennsy Supply Bid Invitation-ECMS 113264 SR11-120 Cumberland County-
Quote by 1/11/2021

Project Cost Range:$1,000,000.00 – $2,499,999.99
Federal Project Status:Non – Federal (100% State)
Let:01/13/2022 11:00:00 AMStructure Work:0.00%
Let Type:ScheduledPre-Bid Meeting:None
Anticipated NTP:02/28/2022Wage Rates:Yes
Required Completion:08/12/2022Prequalification Requirement:Yes
408 Version:2020-IE
Asphalt/Cement Price IndexDiesel Fuel Price Index
Solicitation Letter PDF:


This project consists of Superpave overlay, base replacement, milling, drainage improvements, ADA ramp updates, pavement markings, and other miscellaneous construction, all as indicated on the approved drawings included in the Bid Package for STATE ROUTE 0011, SECTION 120, in CUMBERLAND COUNTY, SILVER SPRING & HAMPDEN TOWNSHIPS, from Segment 0650 Offset 1110 to Segment 0700 Offset 1000, for an overall project length of 9,037.00 linear feet (1.71 miles).

Additional Information:

This is an ECMS project. All Addenda will be electronically posted. The location of the public bid opening is the Commonwealth Keystone Building, 7th Floor, Contract Awards Room, 400 North Street, Harrisburg. Allow sufficient time before the bid opening to obtain a visitor pass on the 5th Floor and to be escorted to the 7th Floor Contract Awards Room.